ARDEN ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1823 Fulton Avenue Sacramento, CA 95825
Farewells are often bittersweet. The demand for our veterinary medical services has exploded since the pandemic. Our treatment room has two exam tables - we need more. Our dental services for teeth cleanings and oral surgery are booked out several months. And, we're running out of medical wards for patients that need to stay with us for the day. We've made the difficult decision to repurpose our boarding kennels, kitty condo room, and our wash tub space to expand our medical services. So, Henry, our last boarding patient is here with Julia and Mia to say goodbye to our boarding services. We had to dig deep into our archives to find a picture of Oliver with Shelly, our hospital manager, to say goodbye to our bath tub. We're going to miss seeing our wonderful and playful boarding patients. Dr. Kendall designed and rebuilt Arden Animal Hospital 24 years ago. It's time for a remodel to make room for another exam room, redesign our treatment room, create a dedicated dental suite with two dental tables and state of the art medical equipment, add a new office space for our doctors, create a cozy, quiet medical ward space for our patients spending the day with us, and expand our lab space for all of our in-house lab equipment. Here are some more before pictures as we start this remodel journey. |